On average across the year,
yes, Guatemala is hotter than
Guatemala has an average temperature of 29°C/84°F and Netherlands has an average temperature of 11°C/52°F.
Guatemala's hottest month is April, with an average maximum temperature of 37°C/99°F, which is hotter than Netherlands's hottest month (July, with an average maximum temperature of 23°C/73°F).
On average across the year, no, Guatemala is not colder than Netherlands . Guatemala has an average minimum temperature of 23°C/73°F and Netherlands has an average minimum temperature of 7°C/45°F.
On average across the year,
yes, Guatemala has more rain than
Netherlands. Guatemala has an average annual rainfall of 1231mm and Netherlands has an average annual rainfall of 555mm.
Guatemala's wettest month is October, with an average monthly rainfall of 241mm, which is wetter than Netherlands's wettest month (January, with an average monthly rainfall of 57mm).
The midpoint of Guatemala is approximately 5,590 miles (8,997km) south west of Netherlands.
Yes, Guatemala is further west than Netherlands. The midpoint of Guatemala is further west by approximately 6,602 miles (10,625km).
No, Guatemala is not further east than Netherlands.
No, Guatemala is not further north than Netherlands.
Yes, Guatemala is further south than Netherlands. The midpoint of Guatemala is further south by approximately 2,512 miles (4,042km).
Yes, Guatemala is bigger than Netherlands.
Guatemala has an area of 107,159 km2 (277,542 miles2) and Netherlands has an area of 33,893 km2 (87,783 miles2)
which means that Guatemala is 73,266 km2 (189,759 miles2) bigger than Netherlands.
That makes Guatemala 3 times bigger than Netherlands.
No, Guatemala is not smaller than Netherlands.
Guatemala has an area of 107,159 km2 (277,542 miles2) and Netherlands has an area of 33,893 km2 (87,783 miles2)
which means that Guatemala is 73,266 km2 (189,759 miles2) bigger than Netherlands.
That makes Guatemala 3 times bigger than Netherlands.
The midpoint of Netherlands is approximately 5,590 miles (8,997km) north east of Guatemala.
No, Netherlands is not further west than Guatemala.
Yes, Netherlands is further east than Guatemala. The midpoint of Netherlands is further east by approximately 6,602 miles (10,625km).
Yes, Netherlands is further north than Guatemala. The midpoint of Netherlands is further north by approximately 2,512 miles (4,042km).
No, Netherlands is not further south than Guatemala.
No, Netherlands is smaller than Guatemala.
Netherlands has an area of 33,893 km2 (87,783 miles2) and Guatemala has an area of 107,159 km2 (277,542 miles2)
which means that Netherlands is 73,266 km2 (189,759 miles2) smaller than Guatemala.
That makes Netherlands 3 times smaller than Guatemala.
Yes, Netherlands is smaller than Guatemala.
Netherlands has an area of 33,893 km2 (87,783 miles2) and Guatemala has an area of 107,159 km2 (277,542 miles2)
which means that Netherlands is 73,266 km2 (189,759 miles2) smaller than Guatemala.
That makes Netherlands 3 times smaller than Guatemala.
Yes, Guatemala is more populated than Netherlands.
Guatemala has a population of 17,703,190 and Netherlands has a population of 17,400,824
which means that Guatemala has 302,366 more people than Netherlands.
That makes Guatemala 1 times more populated than Netherlands.
No, Guatemala is not less populated than Netherlands.
Guatemala has a population of 17,703,190 and Netherlands has a population of 17,400,824
which means that Guatemala has 302,366 more people than Netherlands.
That makes Guatemala 1 times more populated than Netherlands.
No, Netherlands is not more populated than Guatemala.
Netherlands has a population of 17,400,824 and Guatemala has a population of 17,703,190
which means that Netherlands has 302,366 fewer people than Guatemala.
That makes Netherlands 1 times less populated than Guatemala.
Yes, Netherlands is less populated than Guatemala.
Netherlands has a population of 17,400,824 and Guatemala has a population of 17,703,190
which means that Netherlands has 302,366 fewer people than Guatemala.
That makes Netherlands 1 times less populated than Guatemala.